Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hey all. I simply cannot believe that in less than one week I will know where I will be living for the next two years of my life. Expect an update next Tuesday with that info. I couldn't be more excited!
Long field practice has also come and gone. It was an awesome opportunity to put into practice what we have been doing in training. Katie and Brad were super guapos, (remember Spanish speaking friends, this means “hardworking” not “good-looking” here in Paraguay, although I would apply both statements to this Peace Corps power couple) and set up three different opportunities for us to present to Paraguayans. I have this fear that I will move out to my site and despite the fact that my teachers and current Paraguayan family have no problems understanding me, NOBODY will. However, on the visit it appeared that most people, both adults and children, are able to understand me. My host for the week and I even talked in depth about her interest in natural/preventative medicines, which resulted in a brief reprise from eating meat for which I was very thankful.

I also finally took a few photos.  And by I took a few photos I mean I handed off my camera to our tech trainer and he took some, and then my memory card decided it wouldn't work without being reformatted. Whoops. Instead, here’s a picture of where I've been living for the past 2 months:

My host family's home.

Favorite Flower: Copa de la Noche

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