Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This month I was lucky enough to go on vacation with my Nana and my sister to Peru. I met them in Lima, where we spend two days before flying to Cusco to spend time exploring the sacred valley and Machu Picchu!

Some highlights:

The Lima Coastline

Bike tour of the city


A park full of water fountains

Touring the sacred valley

Salt mines

Another Inca site

They think this was used as a sort of agricultural lab

Machu Picchu

The residential part of the city

Main courtyard

And all of us!

Visiting Peru was a good break in my normal routine and I think we all learned a lot about Peru and the country's interesting history. Another one of my favorite things we did was visit a planetarium and observatory outside of Cusco! We learned about the southern hemisphere constellations as they are known today, as well as how the Inca civilization interpreted them.

Until next time. Ciao.

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