Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pre-Service Training

Hello again. It's hard to believe I've been in Paraguay for 24 days already. The time really is just flying by, and we are kept busy with our training activities Monday-Saturday. Last week I got a chance to head out to the campo for a site visit with a current volunteer. It was a really positive experience and let me know what things I want to talk about in my placement interview. The site I visited was a rural, quiet town not too far from the main ruta. We did a radio show with another volunteer, helped unload the materials for a fagone (brick oven) project, went on a walk with some community members, and made a ton of good food. School is about to start back up for public school kids so most volunteers will start back there once a week or so as well.

Next week will be week 4 of my 10 weeks of training before I head to site! After having a taste of freedom staying focused in class is going to be challenging. Living with a host family is great but I'm looking forward to being able to cook my own food again.

Pictures next time.

PS- For some reason this song is immensely popular in Paraguay, my host family plays it in the car, my neighbors blast it all day long...who knows.

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