Wednesday, September 28, 2011

All's Fair In Love and War...

And Granada is certainly a city that has seen both.  My last post was before my first week of classes, and as I'm writing this, I am almost done with my second, and with exactly 12 more weeks to spend here before I come home. 12 weeks that I intend to spend as a human sponge, soaking up every bit that I can learn from this place, and enjoying the beauty that surrounds me.

Not everything here is beautiful though. I learned that I will never, ever go to a bull fight again.  I lasted 40 min. of a 3 hour show, and left because I thought I was going to vomit.  I can appreciate the art at the beginning, the costumes, the way the matadors move the flags to manipulate the bulls, but after the first poor guy had 4 pins and a sword in him, I decided I'd seen enough. I do have some pretty pictures from the beginning though!

Poor guy.

As I'm sure many of you are already aware, this week has been full of changes for me as well.  For about 24-48 hours, I was very out of sorts. Crying, and carrying on about the meaning of life, love, happiness and all the rest.  I am terribly grateful to the people who listened to me cry, and helped me to realize that, even though I am far away, and have been feeling a great loss, I am not alone.

On Sunday night, deciding I needed some fresh air, I went on a little adventure, as I'm fond of doing.  High on a hill above the city, there are fields close to the Sacromonte Abbey, founded in 1600. Below, the view when I got there, around 7, and just before I climbed back down at 9:30.  The night was beautiful, no clouds, no moon, bright stars.  My camera doesn't do the views justice at all.  This was definitely the most romantic place I've ever been.  And although I didn't have anyone beside me to share it with, it reminded me why I've always  believed in love, and in people.  I am happy to say that as I write this, I have never been a part of a relationship I've regretted, because everyone I've loved and who has loved me has showed me something new, something valuable that I can take with me, and for that, I am better.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
— Mark Twain

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