Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's happened. 2015 is upon us, and I'm excited for what I believe will be an awesome year.

I got to Paraguay late January 2014, and it's weird to think that a year ago I knew so much less about so many things that I now take for granted. For example, when I got to the airport a few days ago, I wasn't lost, struggling to understand, or stressed about violating some cultural norm. I felt confident, I knew exactly where to go and could have directed the cab driver to the bus station in whatever language. I talked to the women next to me on the bus for an hour no problem. I know the jokes, I've learned the manners, I'm not scrambling anymore. While people can still peg me for a foreigner most days, I also fit in here.

While I am thrilled with how my projects have been going so far, there is always room for improvement. With this in mind I bring you.......


  1. Take more pictures
    I've been here for an entire year and have hardly any pictures, and it's entirely my own fault. This year I resolve to take my camera with me!
  2. Spend less time online
    Obviously I am thankful to have the internet in my site, it's a useful tool and makes staying in touch with family and friends much easier. However, just like in the states it's easy to get stuck clicking around facebook for a half hour when I only got on to look up a recipe or something. I'll be making a conscious effort to set aside time in advance to check email, update my blog, skype, or do other things online and staying away the rest of the day.
  3. Update my blog
    I'm going to try and do a better job this year recording my experiences, maybe with a few project spotlights or posts on events/culture.
  4. Set boundaries
    Last year, I went to almost everything I was invited to. It didn't matter if I was tired or sick or didn't feel like going, I went. This year I feel that I have been in my community long enough that I can put myself first again- whether that means polity declining a food I really dislike, going home early when I'm tired, or speaking up if something is making me uncomfortable.
Here's to wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2015!!

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