Thursday, July 31, 2014

So I'm trying to post at least one blog post per month, and here we are on the last day of July. Time is really going pretty fast down here in Paraguay, and it's hard to believe that I've been in my site for 3 months. I'm really excited because after our reconnect training which is next week, I will be starting teaching in the schools. I'd been greeting anxious for something to do other than walk around and meet people.

It was also "winter" break for 2 weeks, and I took advantage by going on a little vacation myself. I used quotes because it's 80 plus degrees again, so maybe it's spring now? I'm not sure. Anyway, Kit came to visit me and we spent a weekend in Asuncion, a week in my site, and another week in Argentina in Buenos Aries and then Iguazu Falls. It was the perfect break and now I'm back and feeling ready and motivated to hit the ground running.

Unfortunately I still don't have pictures, but I sent out a plea to my group-mates so hopefully someone with a similar camera can bring me their cord so I can show off my site and some of my adventures. Also look for project updates in the coming month!

Before I go, I'll explain a fun little part of Paraguayan culture, the word "guapo/a." In every other Spanish speaking country, this word means good looking, handsome, etc. In Paraguay, it means hardworking. Here are a list of things I do that elicit cries of "que guapa!" (how hardworking you are!) from my neighbors:

-When I'm awake before 9am "Que Guapa!"
-When I take a walk "Que Guapa"
-Helping a neighbor cook a meal (that I in turn get to help eat) "Que Guapa"
-Get off the bus from a neighboring town "Que Guapa"
-Any time of exercise "GUAPISMIA"
-Comment that I worked on something, anything earlier that day "Que Guapa"
-Read books for pleasure "Que guapa"

Needless to say, I can't wait to see how many "Que guapas" I can collect once I'm actually teaching.

Bye for now!

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