Monday, November 14, 2011

Alhambra, Las Alpujarras y la Bodega

Since my last post, post Morocco, I've had another visit to the Alhambra, FINALLY got to go hiking, and visited a Spanish vineyard and winery!

Alhambra, this week we visited the Nasrid Palaces.

The first picture is from the first section of the palaces, and was the most public part of the palace, where judges and other records could be found.  The picture shows a mihrab in an oratory off of a room that the catholic monarchs turned into a chapel.  The second picture is where someone would have waited before entering the sultans personal chambers, and the calligraphy on the walls celebrates the ruler and talks a lot about how fair and nice and great he is.  I guess if you read that while you wait you'll be nicer once you get inside.

The Court of the Myrtles- Reflecting pool.

This picture is of the celing of the throne hall, which is much more impressive in person than in this picture.  The picture on the right is the outside of the dome.  Because we are "researchers" we got to go look at the inner workings, and the work that has to be done to keep everything in good condition.  Pretty Neat.

Las Alpujarras!!  We hiked in and had lunch, and hiked some more back to a little town.  First time I've wanted to buy something I couldn't easily transport...they make these really cool rugs that look totally different than they feel.  Oh well, next time.

Snow capped mountain tops.



My view eating lunch. :)

On the way home from the hike we stopped a vineyard where we had a tour and did a wine tasting.  


The tour was in spanish, so I'm not sure I got all the technical parts, but I did learn that wines color comes from the skin of the grape?  Maybe this should have been obvious but I'd never thought about it.  After that, the wine goes into the barrels, and that room has to be humid so that the wine doesn't evaporate through it.  She said the wine they make usually stays in a barrel for about a year.

The next step gets the wine in bottle, and they are kept for another year or two.  That room needs to be very dry because if the cork is damp, the wine would have other flavors from the air.  And finally, it is labeled and ready for us to taste!  We had red wine and cheese, delicious.

In other news, I have purchased a ticket to Rome for my December break!  I haven't worked out the particulars, but I know I want to take the train to Florence for part of it too.  I'm excited to eat a lot of pasta! Hopefully I won't have too many problems with the whole, not speaking Italian thing... :)

Only one month and one week left till I'm on a plane home!  Listened to a Christmas song today, too.  And Granada is being decorated. Better get on getting some presents...

Bye for now!

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