Thursday, February 11, 2016

This year, I participated in two summer camps here in Peace Corps Paraguay. Check out the videos below:

Campamento Jaikoporâ was a health and leadership camp to train youth as peer educators in their schools, and communities.

I love Paraguay! I like nature, I like the countryside, I like terere, I like chipa, I like the Parguayan family, I like speaking guarani!
But, there are things that need to change.
We, the Paraguayan youth, have the power and the responsibility to fight for:
-Gender Equality
-Healthy Lifestyes
-For a country free of discimination
-For a better country
Campamento Jaikoporâ!!

I also participated in Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World), which is a leadership camp focusing on Paraguayan girls.

I am strong. I am valued. I am beautiful. I am imperfect. I am myself.

The women who speak in the video are offering advice to the girls and the youth reflect on their experiences.

Peace, Love, and Summer Camp.